Text with peace of mind

Engage your audience worry-free with Matador Shield and rest assured that every message you send is TCPA compliant.

Keep me compliant today
Matador keeps you compliant:
before the lead
Consent by Lead Source

Don't get blindsided by ever-changing lead source regulations, stay ahead of the game with our daily lead source CPA Compliance updates

before the Conversation
High Risk Detection

Keep your dealership out of the courtroom, Matador flags high-risk contacts across an ever-growing array of categories, including plaintiffs, attorneys, anti-telemarketing services, do not call lists and government phone numbers.

During the conversation
A.I. Powered Opt-Out

Our automated feature opts-out contacts who no longer want to be contacted, so you can rest assured that any conversation generated is compliant with CPA regulations - without any risk of human errors!

The science behind the solution

We provide around-the-clock protection by scraping and identifying high risk contacts from every new CPA legal case on the continent as well as identifying changes in legal verbiage from all your lead sources.

NLP & Auto Opt-Out

Our innovative natural language processor uses A.I & machine learning to keep you safe from human errors and legal trouble! It identifies sentiment behind messages, so your clients can easily opt-out if they no longer wish to be contacted - giving you peace of mind that you're compliant with regulations without the risk of human error!

Engage your audience
worry-free with Matador Shield